Collaboration Brings Clarity:
Understanding SARS-CoV-2-host Interactions


We speak with Dr. Ed Emmott, founder of The Emmott Lab & COVID-19 Mass Spec Coalition member, about his latest research into the disease

Original article published 06 Oct 2020

Dr Ed Emmott

Dr. Ed Emmott, founder of The Emmott lab, Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biology, University of Liverpool

As the race for an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine continues to attract attention both from the public and the pharmaceutical industry, it is important to recognize concurrent research efforts in further understanding viral-host interactions, as these could uncover new targets for therapeutics.

Dr. Ed Emmott is a researcher working at the University of Liverpool who aims to use the latest analytical technologies available to uncover how RNA viruses replicate and interact with the host cell. He set up ‘The Emmott Lab’ back in 2019 after pursuing the idea of combining his extensive experience in virology, stemming from a Ph.D. studying the coronaviruses, and his accumulated in-depth understanding of proteomics. The lab now forms an integral part of the university’s Centre for Proteome Research within the Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biology.