25th Protein Structure Determination in Industry (PSDI) Meeting


We are proud to be exhibiting at upcoming 25th Protein Structure Determination in Industry (PSDI) Meeting - November 12-14, 2017 in Cambridge, United Kingdom.


We will be giving out live demonstrations of our ROCK IMAGER®  imaging solution with Multi-Fluorescence Imaging.  Come see how this imaging technique can help you determine protein-protein complexes and even help detect more protein crystals.



About Multi-Fluorescent Imaging (MFI)


Find Protein-Protein Complexes

With Multi-Fluorescent Imaging (MFI), you can now differentiate between crystals of a protein-protein complex and crystals of just one protein. Simply, label the two suspected proteins, or subunits, with two different amine reactive dyes and then image your drop at the two corresponding wavelengths. Crystals that fluoresce at both wavelengths are protein-protein complexes, whereas those that fluoresce at only one wavelength are of a single protein.


protein complex