Cell culture work is critical to almost all life science labs but can often become the bottleneck in furthering campaigns and research. Countless hours are spent on mundane cell handling tasks, with reproducibility often being sacrificed while trying to increase throughput. Over the past twenty years, automated cell culture systems have made their way into large pharma and academia labs, streamlining the cell culture work and facilitating scientists to focus on the science. However, all of these systems have required dedicated automation engineers, complex programming, and daily upkeep to begin realizing any value that cell line automation offers.
In this webinar, Ellen Gualtieri Ph.D. will discuss how Formulatrix has developed an automated cell culture system that is accessible to all, the sum of five years working with biologists around the world in defining their ideal automation platform now manifested in the CELLMATIC system. The system is designed to handle a wide range of cell types and can perform a variety of cell culture tasks such as seeding, media exchange, harvesting, as well as complex cell differentiation protocols. With its user-friendly software interface, the CELLMATIC system can be easily programmed to run customized protocols, enabling researchers to focus on experimental design rather than routine cell culture tasks. By integrating highly precise liquid handling capabilities, a robust imaging system, and integrated environmental control, CELLMATIC ensures that cells are maintained under optimal conditions leading to more reliable and reproducible experimental results.
About the Speaker:
Ellen Gualtieri received her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Purdue University in 2010 and began working at FORMULATRIX shortly thereafter. Initially, Ellen led the technology transfer of her Ph.D. work involving nonlinear optical imaging of protein crystals to FORMULATRIX and was the product manager of SONICC® and the ROCK IMAGER® product line for 5 years. Since then, Ellen has led the advent of a Cell Culture Automation product suite to facilitate routine cell culture growth and differentiation protocols. As the senior product manager, Ellen works directly with both end users and project engineers to match the scientific needs with the engineering requirements and specifications.