At FORMULATRIX, every product we deliver to the laboratory automation space seeks to simplify the translation of a lab's workflow into a digital domain as well as bring the latest sensing technologies and algorithms to deliver unparalleled simplicity for the end-user. Both our FLO i8 and F.A.S.T. systems seek to eliminate the need to consider liquid classes for executing workflows on these systems. Both units have embedded cameras for tip detection, tip re-arrangement, and to protect themselves from crashes and downtime.
The FLO i8 eliminates the need for specific labware programming with our transparent conductive tips and touch probes designed into each pipetting channel. Our thesis is to create breakthrough hardware complete with all sensors necessary to address the needs of lab automation of both today and the future through simple software updates.
Our ROVER system seeks to automate labs that are already "automated." The ROVER can connect different automated cells and even different labs together, enabling new ways of thinking about scientific workflows. This can allow for 24/7 science to occur, with a push towards more continuous flow research rather than large batch-sized experimentation. This is both more efficient for labs and enables scientific insights to occur more rapidly.
Our guiding thesis is that life science and pharmaceutical research should only be governed by the pace of scientific insights and learning, not by the tools and automation needed to arrive at this knowledge. This thought process has guided the products FORMULATRIX offers and continues to shape our innovations to meet the needs of the labs of the future.
About the Speaker:
As the Assistant Director of Liquid Handling at FORMULATRIX, Michael applies his passion for engineering and engineering management to the product and project management oversight of the liquid handling and automation product lines, leading 10 product managers and engineers to develop new features and products lines in the portfolio and launch new products in the liquid handling markets. Michael earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, after completing a Masters and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the same. He began his career as a development engineer at PerkinElmer, where he then gained valuable experience in microfluidic and robotic R&D management as well as operations value engineering project management in a variety of engineering and leadership roles.