Virtual Demo Series

MANTIS® and TEMPEST® Liquid Handling


FORMULATRIX® will be continuing with our one hour virtual demo series for June. The live series will be highlighting both our liquid handlers, the MANTIS® and TEMPEST®. View the schedule below to sign up and join a demo!

(Scroll down for links to previously recorded talks or request links)


Select one of the titles below to register for an event.


MANTIS® Demonstration - Utilising the MANTIS in the newly published Smart-seq3 protocol for improved single-cell RNA Sequencing. [Recorded]
Featuring: Michael Hagemann-Jensen of Karolinska Institute Stockholm SE
6/2/2020, 10:00 (EDT) / 15:00 (BST) / 16:00 (CET)

(UPDATED) - Automation of Kinetic Assays using the TEMPEST Expanding High Quality Kinetic Characterisation to Stopped Assays [Recorded]
Featuring: Claire McWhirter of Artios Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge UK
6/9/2020, 10:00 (EDT) / 15:00 (BST) / 16:00 (CET)

Working with reagents such as Extracellular Matrices in 3D Cell Culture [Recorded]
Feat. Prof. Aline Miller from Manchester Biogel
6/16/2020, 10:00 (EDT) / 15:00 (BST) / 16:00 (CET)

Using Automated Low Volume Liquid Dispensers to Improve Assay Reproducibility, Throughput and Cost Savings
6/17/2020, 14:00 (EDT) / 19:00 (BST) / 20:00 (CET)

MANTIS® Demonstration - High-throughput fragment screening at LifeArc. [Recorded]
Featuring: Peter Canning, LifeArc, Stevenage UK
6/23/2020, 10:00 (EDT) / 15:00 (BST) / 16:00 (CET)

Liquid Handling and Automation in an Academic Drug Discovery Laboratory
Featuring: Dr Ben Allsop, UCL Translational Research Office
6/30/2020, 10:00 (EDT) / 15:00 (BST) / 16:00 (CET)


The FORMULATRIX® TEMPEST®: How the TEMPEST® is used in Phenotypic screening [Recorded]
5/5/2020,  7:00(EST)/12:00 (BST)/13:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®:  The unique features of the MANTIS® for use in single-cell genomics [Recorded]
5/6/2020, 10:00 (EST)/15:00 (BST)/16:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®:  Why is the MANTIS® a good choice for your work on Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) [Recorded]
5/12/2020,  7:00 (EST)/12:00 (BST)/13:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® TEMPEST®: How the TEMPEST® fits into cell-based assay development and screening workflows [Recorded]
5/13/2020,  9:00 (EST)/14:00 (BST)/15:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®: Scaling up the 3D culture techniques [Recorded]
5/14/2020,  13:00 (EST)/18:00 (BST)/19:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® TEMPEST®: Increase reproducibility and throughput of your cell-based assays [Recorded]
5/15/2020,  13:00 (EST)/18:00 (BST)/19:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® TEMPEST®:  Increase efficiency in AlphaLISA and other bead-based protocols
5/19/2020,  7:00 (EST)/12:00 (BST)/13:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®:  Indirect benefits of method transfer from conventional Liquid Handlers to MANTIS®
5/21/2020, 13:00 (EST)/18:00 (BST)/19:00 (CET)


Online demo session:  The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS® [Recorded]
4/9/2020, 13:00 (EST)/19:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®:  How the MANTIS® has been adopted for single cell proteomic workflows
4/28/2020,  7:00 (EST)/12:00 (BST)/13:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® TEMPEST®:  Incorporating the TEMPEST® into a high-throughput screening (HTS) workflow, stand-alone and integrated
4/29/2020,  9:00 (EST)/14:00 (BST)/15:00 (CET)

The FORMULATRIX® MANTIS®How miniaturization can improve your results while reducing costs
4/30/2020,  13:00 (EST)/18:00 (BST)/19:00 (CET)