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Application Note
This application note explains how the Synchrotron Trip Management feature in ROCK MAKER helps you stay on track by keeping all of your trip data in one place. From picking which pucks and dewars you want to use, to virtually harvesting your crystals before you harvest the real ones, to storing all of your trip data in an easy-to-use report.
Application Note
ROCK MAKER expanded its capabilities to allow for the easy creation of co-crystallization experiments using fragments and ligands.
Webinar | Application Note
The ROCK MAKER® Crystallization Software can automatically generate experiments for each ISO step, adjusting the precipitant concentration of each condition based on user scores.
Application Note
ROCK MAKER is a powerful, yet easy-to-use software program that manages the entire protein crystallization process from experiment design including automated image scheduling, to liquid dispensing, image viewing and scoring, and data analysis.